We unequivocally reject any speech or action that works in opposition to equality. We will not tolerate acts of hate, bias or violence.
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Welcome to the wide world of research at UC San Diego. As you'll see from the diverse array of organizations and functions we oversee or support, the Office of Research Affairs plays a key role in the university's billion-dollar research enterprise.
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Poseidon Innovation Announces Funding for Three UC San Diego Researchers

Landmark ABCD Study of Adolescent Brain Renewed for Seven Years

Anticipating the Future of Science: A Look Back and a Look Ahead
Bridging disciplinary boundaries to further our understanding of the origins, evolution and mechanisms of human cognition, from the brain's physical and biochemical machinery to the experiences and behaviors we call the mind.
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In the future, our most powerful drugs could be harvested from the oceans’ darkest depths. Cars could run on algae, making reliance on fossil fuels a thing of the past. Harmful social practices could be stopped, and the effects of traumatic brain injury could cease to be so devastating. Your support helps us work toward this future.
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